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NomiLights: bringing forth the light from within

NomiLights is the product of a dream. It is a magic spell concocted in the darkness of night and the depths of imagination.


In the spring of 2012, I had a vision upon waking, of a beautiful field on the edges of a dark forest. The field was lit with dappled sunlight, which touched and kissed the morning blossoms with radiant, flickering light. Lying in the field was a pair of antlers, surrounded by these beautiful glowing blossoms.


That morning I went into my studio and made the very first NomiLights. They were on a headdress with a pair of antlers decorated with glowing flowers with LED technology inside that made the blossoms flicker and burn as if with inner shining light.


I adorned a friend and I in these headdresses for the White Procession at Burning Man in 2012 and we ended up being photographed for Rolling Stone! And then the image went viral.... What a beautiful message from the universe for being on-target.


Even more exciting than this, were the NomiLights themselves. I had made a few dozen as gifts for my darling friends. Everyone loved them! They love, love, loved them! 


As more and more requests started coming in I got to the point where I could hardly keep up with demand! So I enlisted a few of my darling friends and with their help we have been able to turn this vision into full reality, to make NomiLights available to you.


In the same way that NomiLights bring forth the inner light that is already within you, they have brought my inner light out into the world to share with all of you.


Thank you for your beauty and your presence in the world… and for sharing it with all of us.



    Nomi, creator of NomiLights

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